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from the heart of the senior pastor/bishop

Awake community church, is preparing to enter an entire new dimension. by the blessings of god, we've acquired with full ownership, 2142 cedar grove road, Conley, Georgia 30288. For the remainder of fy2024, the leadership and members of awake will commit time and energy in getting this facility ready and prepared for launch in 2024. we therefore solicit your support in prayer, labor and finances. 

the endeavor to build a house of god, is an incredible and amazing endeavor. when it all comes together, the blessing of knowing that you had a hand in the success of this launch, should motivate you to know that god is still in the blessing and miracle business.

all proceeds for the campaign go towards the following:
1) to purchase equipment and supplies to effective launch the church
2) to cover cost for the legalization and permit required to began operations
3) to fund the community action program, a program aimed at not only providing aide and support to people of the community, but also developing programs to redevelop and redefine the individual.

please avail yourself to using one or more of the following ways to support the $46k capital campaign

in his service,

the right reverend antwon b. kitchen, d. min
Senior pastor/founder
awake community church

© 2025 AWAKE Community Church Inc

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